SEO Advice

Top 6 SEO tips that everyone must know!

1. Content is always the MUST HAVE!
You probably took a lot of advices, tips and tricks from SEO gurus, apply all the Google SEO tips, but the prime factor that can lead it to success is the ‘Content’. Having good content is the most important criteria for any search engine while ranking your website. So make sure that the content you generate is plagiarism free, easily understandable, genuinely helpful and informative.
Google wants what readers want. So if you can fulfill the demands of the searcher then that means Google will love your blog and will rank you higher.
Important: Great Blog Ideas to create content that people love to read and share.
Follow these general guidelines:
Do not stuff your content with keywords as it will look suspicious and fake to Google. Maintain a healthy ratio of 1%-3%.
Do not rewrite any article. Look up for the top ranking articles in Google for the topic you want to write about and come up with even better piece of content.
Follow Google’s self-defined criteria for generating and posting content.

2. Title, Tags, Images and Description:
The title of your articles should always be catchy and searchable. This should be able to attract people from social sites and search engines. Again, use of tags and description is also important as Google check them to make idea on what topic your content is.
Read these Google SEO tips:
Do not write titles that don’t reflect the actual content contained in the body of the article.
Use Meta tags in your articles as well as in the embedded images. Try optimizing images.
Make sure that Meta tags are related and you do not over-optimize the content by adding too many tags.
Make sure that meta description is engaging as this also appears on the search engine pages.
Do not target more than 2 or 3 keywords for a single article.

3. Maintain Healthy Social Profiles:
Social Media has become the most popular medium for people to connect and communicate online. And lots of website owners and bloggers drive traffic from them. People also share the best things on social sites. And so Google takes Social Media as a signal to rank sites higher. So optimizing your social profiles is one of the most important Google SEO tips.
If a person with 200 friends on Facebook hits the like button on your content, it guarantees that you will get at least 4 or 5 more views on this article. With a catchy title and good content, this can make your content go viral and give you thousands of views.
Important: My Blog Growth is all because of Social Media.
Use the following tips for social media sharing:
Make a website page on Facebook, Google+ and Twitter.
Post your updates daily at a time when maximum users are expected to be online.
Engage with your customers or readers as much as you can to get more recognition.
If you want to share multiple links, share them with a suitable gap of at least 30 minutes.
If you expect a post to get many comments or likes, also post it on sharing forums like Reddit, Pinterest and Stumble Upon.

4. Make Links to, and from Reliable Websites:
Backlinking was just becoming a very spammy work. Many were creating link farms to earn money which has no value. Google thus released updates like Panda and Penguin to kick them off. With time Google has become intelligent and now it can distinguish between a natural link and an artificially created link. My suggestion is to build links with out of the box ideas.
Important: Link Building Mistakes Penalized my blog.
Follow these tips to get the best results from backlinks:
Do not make more than 2 links from the same domain name.
Try to put the link into an article rather than sidebar so that only 1 page points towards your site.
Try not to do reciprocal linking as this is sometimes viewed as spammy by Google.
Choose the anchor text to be one of the keywords your website is targeting.
Always link to or link from quality sites which have relevant content and good authority.

5. Use Responsive Theme or Create Mobile Website:
Many bloggers are willing to spend a lot of cash to make an attractive website but they do not care about its mobile version. According to recent surveys, the number of search queries via mobile devices is increasing rapidly. Tablet PCs and large screen mobiles are making more and more people view your mobile site and if you haven’t prepared it well, you are going to lose some following. People browse very differently on mobiles and PCs so do not think that the PC version will suffice. You will have to develop a separate mobile site that is user-friendly and targeted towards mobile users.
Important: StudioPress Genesis Themes are responsive across all devices.
Some important points are:
If you’re running a WordPress blog then use plugins like “WP Touch” to get a mobile version of your site.
And if you don’t want any hassles or plugin work then you can just apply a genesis theme which is responsive across all devices.
If you run a site the you can use apps or services which can create mobile versions of your site. Try Ginwiz and Langoor.

6. Work with the best SEO Optimization Tips.
Above all the Google SEO tips there are tips which people follow to keep their site ahead of others, and this part is completely essential and you also need to work a lot. But it’s not that hard. It’s very easy, or we can say that it get’s easy with experience.
The most essential tips are:
Do keyword research with Adwords tool to find best keywords to target.
Pick up the highly searched and low competitive keywords.
Use Plugins like WordPress SEO to work on On-page optimization.
For more features and better optimization use premium plugins like SEOPressor.
Comment and guest post on authority blogs and link from them with your anchor text to target and rank for the keyword.
Search Engine Optimization may seem to be a very expensive and difficult process but if you try to look at it more closely, it is a very simple process. You just need to learn the Google SEO tips and work with them to rank higher on SERPS and attracts more traffic to your blog or website.
If you are starting a new business, then you can try using AdWords and Pay Per Click Programs to advertise your business. This will give your website a quick start.
I hope the simple Google SEO tips mentioned above will help you make a great improvement to your website.

5 SEO Tips You Should Know about SEO to Survive in 2013!

1. What’s the Penguin everyone keeps talking about?
In April of 2012, Google released an algorithm update known as the Penguin update. Not every webmaster suffered in this update, but those who participated in any of the following did:
Link Schemes (unrelated links, link exchanges, buying links, etc)
Cloaking (hiding keywords)
Keyword Stuffing (just like it sounds – excessive keyword density)
Duplicate content (content that is appearing on more than one site, almost word for word)
Website owners that participated in these things lost roughly 40-90% of their traffic overnight. I personally know some entrepreneurs who were living the dream because of their rankings and now they’re deeply in debt because Google killed their ‘golden goose’.
Moral of the story? Focus on building quality links.

2. The trend towards social backlinks
Some have worried that backlinks are either obsolete or on their way quickly. At the moment, backlinks are still necessary. With the new updates, we’ve seen a change in the top 10 ranking factors. Out of the top 10, five or them are social. The trend is towards social backlinks.
In case you’re wondering what the top 10 ranking factors are, they are:
facebook shares
number of backlinks
facebook total
facebook comments
facebook links
% of backlinks that are no follow
keyword in domain name
% of backlinks with keyword
% of backlinks with stopwords
Moral of the story? Focus on your social media presence and create content that users engage with.

3. Evolution of PPC search
With new devices coming out, Google adjusts their PPC module for advertisers. It used to be that you could set your ads to target desktops and mobile devices separately. It’s not the case anymore. Google has now thrown all of them together because they say that more search is being done from mobile devices anyways.
This is especially important as a service provider running ads. You can adjust your bid to be higher when someone is searching and they’re closer to your location.

4. Facebook and Google are at war with another
Google has sat and watched Facebook’s rise to fame.. and they’re envious. Google always thought their search engine would be the primary place people would go to for information. It turns out Facebook is actually the number 1 place people are going for information; with Google trailing right behind.
Both companies are rushing to mobile to capitalize on the most current gold rush. Facebook just recently released Graph Search, which allows its users to find information based on what their friends like. This tells SEO’s that they need embrace social media more than ever.
Just think about it, if your business doesn’t have likes, then the chances of it popping up are little to nothing. On the flip side, if I am searching for ‘chinese that my friends like’ and a restaurant is liked by several of my friends, I’ll probably end up eating there. It gets rid of the ‘guinea pig’ mentality.

5. Google Authorship
Google is now allowing webmasters to ‘claim’ their content by adding a rel=author tag to our posts. You’ll need a Google + page to begin the process. Personally, I’ve seen increased conversions up to 3x in the SERPs since using authorship.
When someone searches and finds one of your posts in the SERP’s, they’ll see your picture next to your post. It’s great because it adds a personal touch to your posts.

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